About Us
Welcome to Trail Tough Products -- a company of BD Fabrication and Welding LLC
At Trail Tough Products, we provide the Suzuki Samurai enthusiast with innovative products that have proven to be effective and reliable for serious off-road performance.
At BD Fabrication, we provide tube buggies and OE vehicles with custom metal, assembly, and fabrication services that spans from bumper to bumper.
Trail Tough was started by samurai enthusiast in the 1980’s, however, we still research, use, build, and change performance parts for these vehicles.
Not only do we still compete in off-road events with Samurai and tube buggies, but our customers do as well, with all types of vehicles built right here at Trail Tough/BD Fab. Our products are CAD designed, CNC machined and Laser cut ensuring that OUR products are of the highest level of quality in design and fit. We have a full shop here where we continue to build Suzuki 4wd vehicles, but also offer bumper to bumper service on all other types of buggies and OE!! It is this network of expertise and experience that provides our company with an extreme edge in the design, manufacturing, and assembly of products for and on your vehicle.
We LOVE building and being a part of some of the countries finest 4-Wheel Drives. We strive to discover and create ways to make not only the Suzuki Samurai perform at levels that exceed standards, but whatever else you may want us to tinker with.
We want to support our friends that own off-road vehicles by providing both experienced, friendly, and personalized customer service.
We offer service, repair, and installation on most products including suspension, accessories, gear/locker, transmission, tubework, and general repair on mostly EVERYTHING!!! See our projects page for examples of some of the builds we have done here at Trail Tough. Call for labor quotes – toll free 877-789-8547.
Direct Contact Information:
Dylan 541-734-0883 X1004 email dylan@trailtough.com
Richard 541-734-0883 X1000 email richard@trailtough.com
Travis 541-734-0883 X1003 email info@trailtough.com
William 541-734-0883 X1006 email william@trailtough.com